The Atlanta Black Chambers has been on fire! 20 years of excellence looks good on us. Special thanks to my friend and colleague Michael T. Hill, our organization’s founder and visionary for laying down the rock-solid foundation. My friend, colleague, and preceding ABC President, Markee Tate for his significant leadership that guided our organization through a forward-thinking transition to broaden the path. Our ABC leadership team, the Atlanta Black Chambers Governing Board, our partners, and the amazing members that we serve.
We became the right organization to advocate for Black businesses at the right time. ABC is committed to never losing sight of our responsibility to lead, and create opportunities for our members in the areas of Business, Community and Government. All year we will continue to use our platform to promote, showcase, inform, and educate over 5000+ individuals with over 100 annual events and activities throughout the region, nation, and world.

The renewed focus for our organization is building and supporting Black-owned businesses. This will empower us to retain more of the wealth that we create, we generate but have yet to possess.
Let’s go!
President & CEO
Atlanta Black Chambers