Embrace the holiday spirit with Eddie Murphy‘s hilarious new comedy “Candy Cane Lane,” directed by Reginald Hudlin. The film follows Chris Carver, a man determined to win his neighborhood’s annual Christmas decoration contest. However, Chris’s competitive zeal takes a comical turn when he encounters Pepper, a mischievous elf who grants him a wish that brings the 12 Days of Christmas to life. As Pepper’s magic wreaks havoc on the town, Chris must race against time to break the spell, appease the disgruntled townspeople, and save Christmas before it’s too late.
In a recent exclusive interview with the African American Film Critics Association (AAFCA), director Reginald Hudlin discussed the importance of diverse representation in film and how he incorporated this into “Candy Cane Lane.” He explained, “I wanted to create a film that not only celebrates the holidays but also reflects the diversity of our world. I believe that everyone should see themselves represented in the movies they watch, and I hope that ‘Candy Cane Lane’ can help to make that happen.”
Starring Murphy, Tracee Ellis Ross, Jillian Bell, and a cast of hilarious characters, “Candy Cane Lane” is now streaming on Prime Video. So grab your loved ones, get cozy, and prepare for a heartwarming and hilarious holiday adventure that will put you in the Christmas spirit.